

For us, change means evolutionary development. Change no longer happens in waves.

We guide you through complex development plans, drawing on knowledge of the entire relevant system. Together with a representative group – a scaled-down mapping of this system – we design the architecture for the development process and reach sustainable solutions. Our approach: View big change as a series of recursive loops undertaken under low-risk conditions. Conscious trial and error facilitate high-speed change and at the same time, cautious development.



In 2008 we established ourselves as the first specialist provider of follow-up services for employee surveys.

Employee surveys collect huge amounts of data. Yet this is only valuable if it is used to implement improvements. The challenge facing employee survey managers is that the survey itself is just a starting point for parallel development processes at all levels of the company. Our answer to this challenge is to offer agile follow-up processes which go beyond the traditional top-down cascade.


Change &

Maintaining a sense of balance and well-being despite a heavy workload and the demands of your professional and personal life.

Dealing with complexity and uncertainty while constantly upping the pace defines our lives at work and at home. This requires a lot of effort from every individual. Extreme life situations are more commonplace now than they used to be – and they often hit several team members at once. We help get employees and teams (back) on top of their game.


Change Facilitation

For us, change means evolutionary development. Change no longer happens in waves.

We guide you through complex development plans, drawing on knowledge of the entire relevant system. Together with a representative group – a scaled-down mapping of this system – we design the architecture for the development process and reach sustainable solutions. Our approach: View big change as a series of recursive loops undertaken under low-risk conditions. Conscious trial and error facilitate high-speed change and at the same time, cautious development.

Along the way, everyone involved learns new skills, a new culture of collaboration and leadership emerges which spreads beyond the project and into the organization. As a result, the whole organization learns how to deal with change.

We are there to guide, mentor, facilitate, encourage, mediate and connect people for as long as the organization needs us. Our goal is to become superfluous because the organization is effective in itself.

We have previously provided guidance in the following areas:

  • Restructuring and Reorganization (incl. as complementary consultancy together with external specialists)
  • Strategic Processes and Reorientation of Departments
  • Merging Departments, Mergers & Acquisitions
  • Process Optimization
  • Organization for Multi-Project Management
  • Innovation and Product Development, Product Development/Design Processes, Requirements Management, Portfolio Management
  • Market Launch and Sales Processes
  • HR Business Partner Model and HR Organization
  • IT Structures and Processes
  • Workload and Health Management
  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration, Overcoming Silo Thinking
  • Internal Information and Communication
  • Establishing a ‘New’ Company Culture
  • Conflict in Teams, Team Development
  • Facilitative Conferencing


In 2008 we established ourselves as the first specialist provider of follow-up services for employee surveys.

Employee surveys collect huge amounts of data. Yet this is only valuable if it is used to implement improvements. The challenge facing employee survey managers is that the survey itself is just a starting point for parallel development processes at all levels of the company. Our answer to this challenge is to offer agile follow-up processes which go beyond the traditional top-down cascade.

We create the appropriate architecture for the follow-up process before the survey begins and train internal advisers and multipliers. After the survey, we provide support in implementing the right changes in the right way.

Typical client inquiries:

  • Negative survey results within a company, department or team – request for external assistance to improve the situation.
  • Employee survey does not reveal employees’ key issues – what can we do to get to the root cause?
  • Senior management team expects a follow-up concept as part of the results presentation – what process would be relevant for our company?
  • Executives and managers not using employee survey for improvement – how can we make it more relevant for decision making and action?
  • Employees tired of surveys and workshops – how can we make our employee survey more attractive?
  • Despite having successfully implemented measures in the previous survey follow-up process, the results have not improved this time – why not? And what can we do about it?
  • How can we as Human Resources as well as managers effectively support the employee survey process?
  • Health surveys and risk assessment– what do we do in areas where results are critical? What are our legal obligations?
  • Low visibility or transparency in the follow-up process to employee survey – how can we effectively communicate the measures initiated in our follow-up process?

Change &

Maintaining a sense of balance and well-being despite a heavy workload and the demands of your professional and personal life.

Dealing with complexity and uncertainty while constantly upping the pace defines our lives at work and at home. This requires a lot of effort from every individual. Extreme life situations are more commonplace now than they used to be – and they often hit several team members at once. We help get employees and teams (back) on top of their game.

We maximize the strengths of the individual and the team, helping to build a ‘shield’ to protect them from stress and strain. The capacity for individual and team performance is increased. As a result, the entire organization becomes more resilient.


  • Individual and group coaching on how to deal with difficult life situations
  • Training in how to cope better with stress and increase resilience
  • Positivity training aimed at improved wellbeing at work (“happiness training”)
  • Training in giving and receiving feedback
  • Management training “Healthy Management – for yourself and others“
  • Management consultancy and training “Change and Wellbeing: A Healthy Transition”
  • Management consultancy in dealing with stressed employees or returning to work following a burnout or long period of sickness
  • Evaluation of the risks of psychological stress
  • Guidance in implementing measures to minimize workload
  • Guidance throughout the process of formal complaints of unreasonable workloads
  • Conflict mediation

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