Sector: IT Services

Service Area: Change & Wellbeing

Dealing with Sources of Stress, Strengthening Resources

Risk Assessment for Psychological Stress

Starting Point:

The employee survey showed that several departments were experiencing heavy workloads with little access to stress-minimizing resources. The issue of ‘Health Management’ was firmly integrated within the IT service provider’s HR strategy. The goal was to tackle work-related stress using lean, fast-acting and visible methods.


The work-related stress pilot project was launched. We gathered information on workload, resources and the consequences of stress in five departments to help us evaluate the risks of psychological stress. We used structured observation sessions in the workplace, short interviews and focus workshops. In the focus workshops, department representatives developed practical solutions to bring to the departments and to the management team.

We supported the departments, the management team, the individual employees and the senior executives in the ongoing process of implementing behavioral and structural prevention measures. We also assisted with the reorganization of one department, focusing on minimizing stress and maximizing resources. We provided mediation to another team going through the process of a formal complaint for unreasonable expectations at work in order to find a solution to this long-running conflict. We ran individual and group coaching and training sessions on developing stress management strategies and peer consultation for executives. Company management and health management received expert support from us in the form of an assessment of the risk situation affecting the whole company and facilitation of the necessary decision-making process.


Simply discussing their stressful situation was cathartic for employees and executives alike. Several ‘quick wins’ were identified and quickly implemented, producing a reduction in stress levels. Employees and managers came to the realization that many of the conditions responsible for the stress could not be changed as quickly as the consequences required. “I realized that I needed to take much more responsibility for myself – the mental strategies I learned are incredibly valuable to me,” reported one employee following a coaching session. A company-wide process has been launched to minimize stress beyond the five pilot departments.

Our Tasks:

We led the risk-evaluation project and the subsequent follow-up process in the role of psychology experts, facilitators, mediators, coaches, and trainers.


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