Sector: Market Research

Service Area: Change Facilitation

A new kind of collaboration

Dialogue-oriented meeting format tackles the challenges of VUCA

Starting Point:

VUCA stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. It describes the challenges faced in day-to-day business in our increasingly digital world. So, how does it affect HR and the instrument of employee surveys? We found some answers at the 2nd GfK Employee Research Dialogue in Frankfurt – with its new, dialogue-oriented meeting format. Our goal was to gather the knowledge of all participants in one room, make connections with one another and then anticipate on a small scale how companies can face up to these challenges – using a new kind of collaboration.


The innovation became clear right at the start, as the 50 or so HR experts we invited from various companies found the chairs set out in a large circle, an invitation to open dialogue. Dr Ingrid Feinstein, Head of GFK EOR and event host, explained the special features of the meeting in her welcome address, “We believe we need to do things differently. Our aim today is not only to share our ideas with you, but to offer you the opportunity to build a knowledge network interlinking all participants’ expertise so that we can participate in a real exchange of ideas and, on a small scale, practise dealing with the challenges VUCA poses.” Participants were invited to experience this new kind of collaboration. They were split into four small groups and followed a programme of four mini workshops consisting of subject-specific presentations followed by an opportunity for discussion. This was followed by a “World Café” session, in which the HR experts were invited to further network their insights in a series of small groups, which were newly assembled for each round, and to reflect on the topics addressed with reference to their own work environments.


VUCA is not simply a fad. It became clear in the final discussion that related challenges cropped up in our HR experts’ day-to-day work. Many HR managers are looking for new methods and ideas for how to foster more dialogue between employees and management. Exchanging ideas with like-minded people is very useful in this process. The thrust of the conversation also revealed that doing so is inspiring because the same issues affect all companies, they are all in the same boat. The conference was “Refreshingly different and featured great methods,” according to one participant, as well as being “very relevant to real life”. She has now worked out how to take the first step in applying what she has learned for herself.

Our Tasks:

We developed the participatory concept for the meeting based on the “pilot group approach”: a scaled-down image of the meeting – representatives of participants, organisers, presenters and facilitators – discussed the attendees’ needs as well as “likes and dislikes” and put together a target design and concept for the meeting. We led the conference as facilitators and gave a presentation on the subject of “real-time change: follow-up processes that impact companies.”


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