Sector: Insurance

Service Area: Survey Follow-Up & Change Facilitation

Einheit in Vielfalt

One Integrated Follow-Up Process in 12 Subsidiaries

Starting Point:

The Generali Deutschland Group began preparations for its second group-wide employee survey. All 12 German subsidiaries were to take part and were represented in the employee survey project team. Roland Krüger, head of the group-wide project reported: “We achieved a lot in the previous follow-up process yet the employees do not perceive sufficient sustainable change. This year, we want to use the results even more consistently for development within the organization. We want to show our employees that their feedback can really change things.”


The group-wide follow-up process and the follow-up processes in the subsidiaries followed the concept of a modular system. That allowed each subsidiary to select the relevant actions for their situation. Support materials were provided in the form of scripts and time lines to ensure uniform quality and pace. The follow-up process ran on several levels: The results of the employee survey were to be used to spur improvement initiatives within the individual organizational units, from departments to teams. At the same time, Level 1 managers in the subsidiaries were to derive areas of action and packages of measures for the entire corporation. The boards personally guaranteed that change would happen – each board member took on overall responsibility for an area of action. Real life training prepared the managers for their task of implementing measures for improvement in their division, in conjunction with their employees.


Managers and employees are working together at all levels to develop and implement measures for change. Group-wide, 48 measures have been implemented across four areas of action. Generali Holding employees can observe progress on the company intranet: Just a few months down the line, over half the packages of measures have been fully implemented. Project Manager Krüger summarized: “We are certain that this increased investment in a systematic follow-up process will have a positive effect on the results of the next employee survey.”

Our Tasks:

Carry out initial analysis to identify strengths and weaknesses in the follow-up process to the previous survey. Devise a classification system for the follow-up process to facilitate a group-wide procedure while providing starting points for the individual configuration required for each subsidiary. Develop a toolkit with tools to support managers. Carry out training for follow-up process multipliers and managers. Facilitate change workshops.


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